Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00681 

Received: 2/12/2021 8:12:56 PM
Commenter: Sherolyn Schow
State: Utah

Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
We are siblings of a property owner in Argyle Canyon who have invited seven siblings including us up to their property every summer for a week each year. My sister and her husband who own this property have a cabin built on it, and an outdoor kitchen facility attached to the cabin with long tables to eat on or to play games on. There is a round fire pit above the ground that we enjoy an evening fire by that we enjoy sharing conversation with each other while we are there. They have also built two nice bunk houses, and a nice outhouse and shower room facility for all of us, their children and their grandchildren to enjoy. They have also landscaped the whole property with beautiful furnishings. Part of the beauty of this property are the wild animals that can be seen around their camping areas. They have owned and worked on this property for years and years, as a quiet beautiful place to relax and enjoy nature. This railway project is planned to be built so close to this site that it will take all of this away. We are very much against this project that would destroy this property and many others around this whole area.